Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Week Three

Well I'm proud of myself to say the least. Yeterday marked the first day of my third week of running. I have to admit it's not as hard as I thought it would be, and harder than expected at the same time.

When I run, I forget everything. I can pound out all of the frustrations, aggrivations and worries my day holds. I don't have to think about anything but getting through that next mile. There is a huge satisfaction when I'm done, knowing

I've run better, and faster than the day before. It also feels good to stick to something and really commit to it.

I also need to throw a big shout out to Mike and Jen for being so supportive and always letting me come over and use their tredmil day or night, you guys are the best.

Also to mom who let's me rant, rave, and gush about how much I love it and how I'm progressing.

Life is better when you run.

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