Monday, April 30, 2012

Sometimes I love My Job

Just had a group of regulars come into work, we chit chatted a bit about this and that, one of them must have heard me asking my coworker if she had any motrin, and asked if I had a headache. I told them that my knees had been bothering me from running and that my family is known for bad joints. Then they asked if they could pray over me, which I polietly accepted.

After praying for my knees, my running and my endurance, one of the ladies Karol, prayed for a whole slew of stresses I hadn't vocalized to anyone but close friends. She prayed for Gods financial provision over me, that doors and opportunitys would start flowing in for work and grad school. 

One of the customers praying with us also said that he sees me as a princess, which kind of puzzled me at first, but then on to say that I'm bold in knowing what I want to stand for and have a heart for fighting injustice. He also said that I was a fighter, and that he can tell I'm running to win.

I'm not sure that I'm a princess or a fighter or any of those things, but I do know I was encouraged. Sometimes I love where I work. :) 

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