Monday, April 30, 2012

Sometimes I love My Job

Just had a group of regulars come into work, we chit chatted a bit about this and that, one of them must have heard me asking my coworker if she had any motrin, and asked if I had a headache. I told them that my knees had been bothering me from running and that my family is known for bad joints. Then they asked if they could pray over me, which I polietly accepted.

After praying for my knees, my running and my endurance, one of the ladies Karol, prayed for a whole slew of stresses I hadn't vocalized to anyone but close friends. She prayed for Gods financial provision over me, that doors and opportunitys would start flowing in for work and grad school. 

One of the customers praying with us also said that he sees me as a princess, which kind of puzzled me at first, but then on to say that I'm bold in knowing what I want to stand for and have a heart for fighting injustice. He also said that I was a fighter, and that he can tell I'm running to win.

I'm not sure that I'm a princess or a fighter or any of those things, but I do know I was encouraged. Sometimes I love where I work. :) 

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Just Run

When I run I forget about all the bullshit. I'm not worried about screaming customers, looming finals, judgemental eyes, or a number on a scale. When I run, I'm only concerned with getting air into my lungs, and putting one foot in front of the other. It feels good to be boiled down into something so elemental. That is what keeps me lacing up my running shoes, even when I have no other drive.

Friday, April 27, 2012


This week I got dumped. The guy just "doesnt see us going anywhere".

I guess it's okay, I mean I want someone who wants to be with me.

But who dumps someone through a text message. I mean what kind of etiquette is that!?!

Anyway that's the newest update from my crappy love life.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Really FCS...Really?

Because you know, college kids need a bottle opener with a bible verse on it to open all of the classic Coca-Cola bottles we all love so much.

Give me a break.

New Kicks

Oh hey sexy shoes, fancy meeting you here.

Week Three

Well I'm proud of myself to say the least. Yeterday marked the first day of my third week of running. I have to admit it's not as hard as I thought it would be, and harder than expected at the same time.

When I run, I forget everything. I can pound out all of the frustrations, aggrivations and worries my day holds. I don't have to think about anything but getting through that next mile. There is a huge satisfaction when I'm done, knowing

I've run better, and faster than the day before. It also feels good to stick to something and really commit to it.

I also need to throw a big shout out to Mike and Jen for being so supportive and always letting me come over and use their tredmil day or night, you guys are the best.

Also to mom who let's me rant, rave, and gush about how much I love it and how I'm progressing.

Life is better when you run.

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Sam: Aunt Ka-wee where's momma?
Me: Out on a date with Daddy, Sam.
Sam: I wanna go on a date
Me: Oh really? With who?
Sam: You! I wanna go on a date wiff you!

Heart= melted.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My Boss, King of Flashbacks

My boss Doug reminds me a lot of Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite.  If he isn't trying to swindle people into spending money he is constantly reliving his glory days. 

So the other day we are closing up shop and I was playing some songs off YouTube, when Doug requests a song I've never heard for before.

*flashback dream sequence*

"I remember it was back in the summer of 95, Daytona Beach, mid July...I won $500.00 lip singing this song." 

What's the song you ask?

After hearing his rendition of the song I immediately retorted:

"Doug you're a Decon!"
"Actually I'm an Elder"


Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I know this is totally iny head, but a bunch of people I know from college are married or engaged righy now. Somehow I feel like I'm falling behind or something.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Family Life

As much as I love being single and in my twenties, when I am around my family a lot, as I was a lot this weekend, it makes me really want to settle down and have a family of my own.

I feel like it would be nice to never be alone, to always have a best friend and a husband.

First Week Running

So my first week of running wasn't as bad as I anticipated. I ran four times this week and took a three mile walk with some girlfriends and did about a mile with the dogs.

At first the worst part was the soreness. The first couple of runs really took a toll on my body, for days after moving seemed to be a chore. The last two times I've been running though I've ran farther, faster, and with the exception of the post run "I'm so tired I want to die" feeling, I've felt pretty awesome.

I seem to want to run more and more. I wish I enjoyed running outside as much as I enjoy running inside, because although tredmils make it a lot easier to track and run for longer, the real races are outside on pavement.

I'm trying not to get caught up in how fast I ran or for how long. I'm trying really hard to focus on consistency, mike says speed and endurance will come naturally as I get serious about it.

I seem to have an itch for it.  Even though it's hard, I want to keep doing it everyday. I'm going to try and run three times a week inside, twice a week outside with Jaimie.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


I recieved my new phone at around 11 am this morning. By midnight I had already dropped it twice.

I suck.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Needless to say I look up to both of my big brothers. Recently Mike has inspired me to take up running.  He's always been a really good example for me, and has pushed me to do well in school, encourage me in my faith,  and care about my health. On top of that he is always there when I need him, even now that he has a family of his own. That is love.

So in an effort to get in shape and be more like my big brother, I've decided to start running. Last night Jaimie and I ran a mile and a half in about 17 minutes, not bad for the first time out, being freezing and covered in hail. Today I ran the exact same path with Roxy and it took me 22 minutes. Not only was I slower, but I feel like shit too.

Not sure when I will start getting good at this, but I am going to keep doing my best till I get there. I hope I can make my big brother proud!

Another One Bites the Dust

So, you guessed it. I've broken yet another cell phone.

My Seventh Phone: The Droid Thunderbolt

Ahhh my first smart phone...I remember it well. Even though I went through seven new chargers (not exaggerating) it was a great phone. This phone lasted no matter how many times I dropped it in the parkinglot, dropped it while tweeting in the shower (don't judge), and even that time Roxy stepped on it. Even with a cracked screen that thing held on.
Cause of Death: I have no idea, I woke up and it was on the floor and the charger would no longer fit in the port.

The crappy part about all this, is that after having a six am freakout about not having a phone, I purchased a new one from the insurance. Not ten minutes later, I was able to ghetto rig my kindle charger to get ny droid up and running. FML

Monday, April 9, 2012


So today I accidentally hit my mother's boyfriend's car while trying to back out of my driveway today.

Keep in mind he parked it like a senior citizen (his words not mine). Anyway the side mirror is being held on by tying it to my windsheild wiper...which should work fine so long as it doesn't rain.