Monday, November 15, 2010

For Jen

My brother and sister in law (Mike and Jen) first started me on my blogging adventure many many years ago. Since then, I've had both truly wonderful and terrible blog postings. And have this year let my blog fall to the wayside. I recently received an email from Jen demanding new blog posts, now those of you that know Jen, know that she doesn't get demanding very often (unless Addie starts acting up), so for her to complain about my lack for blogging was a wake up call. So here we go again, Things I love about my sister Jen.

1. She almost never loses her cool, whether she's angry or upset, she holds it together.
2. She can organize really really well, I mean with labels on drawers and twisty ties. It's serious stuff.
3. She always has time to listen to my boring stuff, even with a full time job, two kids, a bible study, and all the chores and stuff (yes i know Mike you help a lot too).
4. She's good at tons of stuff, yet she's secure enough in her own talents to embrace other peoples.
5. She always lets me come over and see the kids, this might not sound like a big deal to some people, but I consider myself very fortunate that both of my sis in laws make sure that seeing Aunt Kelly is a priority. I love you both for that.
6. She has the best laugh, Jen's laugh is so fun and infectious, you can't help but smile.
7. She comes up with awesome nicknames that I like to steal such as LadyLoo, Lovebug that kind of stuff.
8. She still uses the word "Booyah" and makes it sounds cool.
9. Has a seemingly unlimited supply of patience.
10. Makes me my own supply of shortbread squares, ever since I was little, because she knows they are my favorite.

Ladies and Gents, one of the best women I know, Jen "The Pons" Medved.


Angela! said...

love this. i missed your posts, yo!

Quarter-lifer said...

Ahhh CUTE post Kelly!! I love them all and agree wholeheartedly w/ all of them! Yes, yes she does still rock the "booyah"--doesn't she?!