Friday, February 13, 2009

The Serious Blog

OKAY SO...last night was celebration (once again for those of you who aren't at Malone it's a giant worship service) and God totally rocked my face off. Not only was the worship so incredible but what Cory had to say shot me straight in the heart, i needed to hear it so bad.
I struggle with staying faithful to God, like all of us, but when i mess up, sometimes i just feel so overwhelmed, like there is no way i can ask for forgiveness again. there is no way I can bow before God and ask Him to forgive me again, when i just asked for this same grace yesterday. So instead of taking my sins and struggles to God, i run. What God really told me, is that its okay to come to Him for forgiveness especially when you mess up, if you are sincere in your confession, God will always have open arms for you. That's how i felt last night, that with all of the pain, and all of the sin that I'm so attached to, God still loves me, and wants to be close to me.
I also really wanted to share this video that i find really cool. I'm sure everyone has heard by now that Brian Welch (the lead singer of Korn) turned Christian, i just think his testimony is so totally awesome.


Morgan's Mind said...

this is why i love you kelly :]

Angela! said...

it truly was a great Celebration. i can't believe that i cried... in public... weird. i love you kelly.