Wednesday, September 10, 2008


am currently conducting a secret psychological experiment to see if Christians are anymore considerate then the rest of the world. i call it, "Operation See If Christians Are More Considerate Then The Rest Of The World". in said secret mission we will be experimenting by seeing how many people on Malone's Campus actually hold the door open for other people. genius i know. but really i have to do it for psych class. This is going to be a fantastic week, tonight we're out to apple bees, apparently students are just as obsessed with apple bees here as they are back home. there will also be a rock band tournament and a goonies marathon sometime this week. in other Malone news some kids got caught making out in the prayer room in the barn (hysterical i know), and i got made CF (community facilitator). which is a floor leadership position, executive regional manager of the floor, if you will. well i think thats all for now.


bbellisario said...

kelly you crack me up. recently listened too:
1. rise my soul arise
2. can't touch this

plus i think applebees is an ohio thing, not just strongsville. people in ohio LOVE applebees. it's like, their favorite thing.

Mike Medved said...

So what is your control group? In other words, to answer the question "Are Christians more considerate..?" you would need to have a sample from non-Christians, right? How are you going to show the difference? How are you going to even know if there is a difference?

I haven't been to Applebees in a long time. Probably over a year.

BTW, shouldn't your blog be Kubiak's Corner, not Kubiaks Corner? Sheesh - you're in college now, champ!