Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Davenport Durby & Couch Ganking

Sorry its been a while since i updated this thing. so the Davenport Derby has come and gone. for those of you that don't know what I'm talking about it's basically a mega huge couch race. every floor has a theme, decorates the couch, and dresses up according to the theme. we had the winning theme of Rub A Dub Dub. some of the others were Dr. Gary Streit (Malone's' new, ultra dorky, suspender wearing president), weddings, and Egyptian slaves.
to the right you can see my wonderful floor all ready to get clean...and yes that is shaving cream on our legs! moving on, later that night i probably had the most fun since I've been here. Angela, Erin, Myself and JD all ganked couches from the Davenport Derby out of the dumpster and hit them in random places around campus. some of our brilliant spots include an empty parking spot, on top of some picnic benches, and in front of the cafeteria (pictured to the left).

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