Thursday, October 18, 2012

Why I hate my scale more than horses and mullets

So I've made some big lifestyle changes lately. Eating lots of healthy snacks, three healthy meals a day, no more soda- only water, mustard instead of mayo, and an intense training schedule that has me working out (running, cross training, strengthening and stretching) six put of seven days a week.

I've lost five pounds from my starting weight. Five. Pounds.

I put in the freaking work. I'm STILL PUTTING IN THE WORK. AND THAT SCALE HAS BETRAYED ME. That scale has no idea how many blisters, aches, pains, sweat, and the ridiculous amounts of tears it's taken me to fet here. If it did my weight would reflect the constant effort I'm putting into myself. I hate my scale more than anything in this world. Satan only uses it to steal my joy and kill my motivation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Take your measurements and chart those, rather than the scale. Your workouts are going to build muscle, which weighs more than fat. Judge your success by how your clothes fit and how much energy you have.