Sunday, October 7, 2012

Six Miles Stronger

By most runners standards, six miles isn't that far, and a 12 minute mile average is extremely slow. For me, it's the first of many victories and I couldn't be more proud.

My first race was awesome. I went through about so many emotions, but the sweetest one was the joy of finishing.  I'm so freaking proud of myself.

Now it's time for half marathon training!

Also, I have the best sister in law ever.Thanks for the sign Jen. Got me through mile four!


Luke said...

Hi it's Luke, I used to be in your brother's community group when you watched the kids. I saw this on thier blog and came over to cheer you on and say what a great accomplishment that was! Way to go :) So few people in this world have the ability to set a goal in follow through. You've set yourself apart to be in the top 5% of people already. Congratulations and don't stop striving for success!

Mike Medved said...

Hi Kelly!
I'm so proud of your amazing accomplishment! You are such an inspiration to me and my kiddos. Way to go. When the going gets tough, the tough get strong and do the work. :)

Quarter-lifer said...

Kelly i'm SO proud of you! Love your blog post and your pics look GREAT!!!! AWESOME job on the 10k!! that's SO huge! You go girl!!!!