Friday, May 11, 2012

Thoughts on the Park

So I just took a longer through the park today.  Turns out, I'm a lot slower off a tredmill. Like add three extra minutes per mile, slower. It's okay though, it's much harder to run on pavement, so I'm not going to beat myself up over having a shitty pace. I have decided though that I need to run outside more than I run on a tredmill, after all, races aren't run in my brothers basement.

Things to remember for next time:
1. I need a completely empty stomach. I had a super light lunch before hand and I still wanted to vomit and got stomach cramps.

2. Must find a way to bring water with me on the run, dry mouth makes it much harder to keep running.

3. Wear capstick.

4. Buy an armband for my ipod, super annoying carrying it.

5. TAKE ALERGY MEDICATION. I could barely breathe because I was so congested and kept coughing.

6. Must find a better way to carry my car key than in my sports bra.

7. Friction is not kind to yoga pants, find higher quality material that will hold up longer.

I really liked running in the park, it's beautiful, and the time seems to fly much more quickly.  It also seems more enjoyable and less like a chore.

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