Monday, March 8, 2010

Early Birthday List

I've got tons of books on my birthday wish list. I wanted to write them down so that I won't forget. Lots of props to my siblings who tell me about all this wonderful literature.

1. Captivating (I keep giving it away)
2. Every Woman's Battle (keep giving it away)
3. The Torch and the Sword.
4. Bondage Breaker
5. Heaven
6. A Case for Christ.
7. Studies in the Sermon on the Mount.
8. Fearless
9. Love and Respect
10. Crazy Love
11. Knowing God
12. Blue Like jazz
13. All I Need is Jesus and a Good Pair of Jeans (per Jen's recommendation)
14. Sacred Influence
15. Wild at Heart (I keep giving this book away too)
I probably have more but this is good for now. :)

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