My very first phone, The LG 245

This phone was awesome because it was my first phone. I got it in the fall of my freshmen year of high school and I believe that it was out of commission by that summer.
Cause of Death: I dropped it in a bucket of water I was soaking my feet in.
My Secon

This was the replacement phone for my first phone. we decided not to get insurance on this phone because the "bucket incident" was a fluke and I was going to be MUCH more careful this time. This phone came from a friend or relative so we didn't have to pay for it. I actually kept this one until it was time to renew.

This phone was AWESOME. We decided to get insurance on this one because it was expensive. After it broke they sent me a silver one from the insurance company.
Cause of Death: Dropped and cracked front screen, dropped in a puddle resulting in water damage.

This phone was a refurb for sure. It lasted six months to eight months...if that.
Cause of Death: Randomly turning on and off, couldn't hold a charge.

My first touch screen, received it Christmas of my freshman year of college. Last exactly one year. Cause of Death: Got rolled over by a rocking chair resulting in a non functioning screen.
My Sixth Phone: LG Dare Replacement.
This was such a piece of crap. Also a refurb. Lasted two weeks.
Cause of Death: Touch screen didn't work, screen looks like a glowstick.

I'm really pumped to get this next phone. Both my girlfriends have it and they say it's great. Also it's not a touch screen so I'm hoping it'll be more durable. Also you can get two for $50 bucks at Verizon right now.
Dearest Kelly...You better be careful or soon, you'll be forced to have one of those black leather belt holsters for your phone if you can't be more responsible! ;)
hahahahahhahah i love you guys. i will NEVER EVER resort to that
hilarious post. i love you.
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