Saturday, February 20, 2010

Malone Boys

I've been wanting to write a post on Malone boys for quite some time now. Now keep in mind I am dating one which is how I get all of this information. I've discovered that they are the most shocking, hilarious, and disgusting group of men I've encountered in a while. Here is why:

1. They pooped in each others microwaves, and turn it on...EWW
2. One of them caught a chipmunk and released it in the cafeteria...where people eat.
3. They over flow their own urinals...what's the point?!
4. One of them found a dead cat on the side of the road, and put it in the fireplace of the barn...where it got torched.
5. Two of them put a pound of lunch meat in the ceiling tiles...of their own floor and left it there for an entire semester.
6. One of them released a bunch of mice during chapel to create chaos...and a football player started stomping them to death.
7. John doesn't wear shower shoes in the bathroom.
8. One of them put three open cans of sardines in Mitch's room.
9. They tried to kill a tarantula with a stapler...and a knife.
10. They are ALWAYS naked, like why would you want to be naked around other guys so much


Anonymous said...

1) Chris Story pooped in our microwave. He LIVED in heritage and now goes to school elsewhere.
2) Pricless
3) Their was a mechanical glitch in the automatic flushing system...out of our control.
4) Tried to bring honor to the cat by cremation.
5) Speechless
6) Bad but hilarious. football player was not from Barclay. Just clarifying.
7) I do wear shower shoes. I'm a nursing major. I know better.
8) That was kinda gross. Payback for #5
9) What would you do if you saw a tarantula? He's lucky no one shot at it.
10)Nudity builds its freeing, and there is no other acceptable time in life where you can run around naked.

Erin Joy Broderick said...

sad thing is... I am friends with most of the people who have done most of those things. And the cat actually set on fire! hehe. It was 2 people who left it there. One being my boyfriend (who doesn't go to Malone anymore). Also you can add to the list..
1. someone filled the drains with hair in the LG showers causing them to overflow
2. Someone put a dead squirrel in a females bed
3. someone (a couple of years ago) sent a dead squirrel that he had frozen from the summer to the winter to a girl in a box for Christmas
4. Last year someone put a dead deer carcass in the showers of Heritage
5. Someone put a dead skunk in Kelly Klien's car resulting in her having to replace all of her interior.

You're funny Kelly. Malone boys are gross!