Friday, January 30, 2009


John and I found this ladder in the music library of the Johnson Center yesterday, and get this there was totally a door at the top. we both really wanted to climb it and explore up there, i mean i know it was probably just like Xmas decorations and stuff but maybe, just maybe...IT WAS THE DOOR TO NARNIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday was the best day I've had all semester. Amanda told me Wednesday night that we'd have a snow day and everyone said she was full of it. then Thursday morning at like 7 Angela and Erin run into our room and wake me up (if your a member of my family, or my darling roommate, then you know that i hate mornings). Anyway Ang and Erin both have their laptops and are shoving them in my face, again i was really mad until i saw what they were showing me, Malone has canceled all classes, YAY! so we all went back to sleep and got lunch, Erin wore her lightening bolt earrings in celebration (she only wears them for special occasions), and then we all went sledding down the huge hill of death, followed by an intense game of Dr. Mario, and Ultimate Spoons. it was a fantastic day.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Spreading The Blogging Love

i think i can safely claim that i helped inspire Angela, Dan, Lyn, Morgan, and Aaron to write blogs. and for that i think I'm awesome. but all credit goes to mike, for first inspiring me to blog. Yay older brothers!

Interesting Find

I guess this should teach me not to go through my friends stuff...i opened one of my very good friends desk drawers and found a lovely pair of undies! i mean i can't say i was really shocked given the very nature of this person, but it was still hilarious.

Monday, January 26, 2009


Why would anyone make the bathroom stall doors swing inward? I mean come on how much harder could it possibly be to make them open outward. all of the bathroom doors are like this at school and it's really bugging me, like every time I try to get out of the stall i have to do this weird limbo if I want to avoid a collision with the toilet. if I had like three lame wishes, I would use one of them to fix this problem


I just came up with a really good snack combo...cheese and peanut butter...who would have thought

Friday, January 23, 2009

St. Francis...really cool dude

Lord, Make Me an Instrument of Thy Peace. it's this song that we have been singing in Chorale all year, and the text is so freaking beautiful that this song has ended up as my daily devotional. i thought i was pretty clever to turn this amazing piece of music into a prayer, then i found out, that originally it was a prayer, it was later converted into a song. so i did some researching and turns out its the prayer of St Francis. he was a really amazing man, he was in the army twice, was seriously diagnosed with lots of awful disease's,he sold everything he had to restore broken churches, and he took care of people with leprosy. anyway i just thought he seemed like a really cool dude, here is the prayer that inspired all of this:

Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master;
grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;

to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in forgiving that we are forgiven,

and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.

Aruba, Jamaica, And Malone's Cafeteria

Malone totally just made up for feeding us we had a tropical themed lunch!!!!! AHHH IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! they were playing the beach boys, all the cafeteria workers were wearing these cheesy Hawaiian shirts and up on the platform they had a tarp down with a buss load of sand. our group had such a fun time making sand castles, dancing like idiots and taking pictures. i guess they are going to start having one theme lunch every month. Now that is a good use of my tuition money!!! :)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Stupid Internet Fads...

by far the dumbest thing that has ever happened to the Internet are Myspace/Facebook pictures where girls (and some guys) are "throwing up a peace sign" and making the "kissy" face. like it might have been cute or original at some point, but it's not anymore, that stupid pose is everywhere! sometimes people think its trendy to make the picture black and white, sometimes sepia if they are feeling really crazy...oh and did i forget to add that over sized sunglasses are optional in these pictures as well. move on kids, it's seriously lame... just to demonstrate my point here are a collection of "kissy faced peace sign" picture's from people of all shapes and sizes...

Rodents: The Other White Meat

So i'm pretty sure that Malone's Cafeteria is feeding us road kill to save money. Angela had some chicken the other day and it was the nastiest crap ever (she still ate it because if you know angela, the starving kids make her feel guilty). anyway this "chicken" was also really really little, like there is no way that is the leg or wing of a chicken. i'm pretty sure it was a squirrel...sick.

Monday, January 19, 2009

He's Awesome

okay so the other day John let me put a hanger on his head, i really don't know why he puts up with me at all. i have a wonderful boyfriend...oh yeah then he pretended to be a Native American...go figure

International House of Creepsters!

okay so we go to ihop like every weekend at least twice, most of the staff know all of us by name which is cool, but i just started to realize, all of us probably come across as really creepy. i don't know why but the combination of pancakes, sleep deprivation, and a friday night/morning just seems to bring out the weirdness in us all.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Fruit Punch In The Morning...Kinda

okay, so when Me, Amanda, and Angela woke up (at like 1:00), we were all really hungry/thirsty, so we walked down the hall and made our breakfast of pop tarts, easy mac, and chicken noodle soup with stars, and then Angela remembered that she had a gift from her parents that she could put to good use, a big pitcher. since Amanda wanted something fruity we decided we could make some fruit punch. so we poured the powder in, then emptied our cold water bottles (because we wanted to drink it right away and wanted it to be really cold and extra refreshing) into the pitcher. then disaster struck, we had no stirring utensil large enough! well long story short we ended up using our (unused) vacuum cleaner attachment! (pictured to the right is Amanda stirring the fruit punch, and below is a picture of us all enjoying our breakfast!)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Erin's Stuff

okay so i have this friend on my floor Erin, and i love her a whole lot. and i guess she loves me and Amanda a lot too because not only is she like always in our room (which don't get me wrong, i love it) but she always leaves her stuff everywhere too! at first it was kind of annoying but now it has become this huge joke! i guess the old saying is true, if people forget their things with you it just means they want to come back! :)

Friday, January 16, 2009

New years resolutions/giving God my everything

OK so last night we went to celebration and we had this amazing sermon about putting God first/getting rid of all of the things in your life that hold you back from doing so. afterward and during i felt so convicted about some of the things I've been doing/saying that aren't glorifying God. stuff that i know is wrong but i keep doing anyway. Cory (our speaker) challenged us to pick three things that are holding us back and get rid of them. Here are my three:
1. Swearing (i don't do this all the time, but it's still a problem)
2. Making "that's what she said" jokes
3. Listening to music that isn't beneficial to my walk with Christ.
the first two are self explanatory the third is killing me. as i scroll through my iTunes library i feel so reluctant to start deleting...its just that i love music, it's my passion, it's the gift that gives me the most joy ever. also i paid for most of my music so i feel like I'm flushing my money down the toilet...but i know that i probably shouldn't have bought it in the first place.

i also had some really cool God experiences last night, i finally was able to forgive myself for past mistakes and accept the grace God's been giving me all along. that was cool. also I'm finding that as i read my bible more, I'm starting to hard core fall in love with Jesus again. i felt kinda numb before, like stagnant in my faith. last night God outlined me again. i needed it really bad.

well that's all for now.

Missing Piranah

OK so my friends Tony, Brad and Seth just moved into the new boys dorms on campus, they are totally awesome. after watching an afternoon of you tube videos on the subject the boys decided there would be no better way to christen their new pad then to buy some piranhas. i know totally ridiculous. but they bought three piranhas and this morning two of them were gone! so either someone stole them or they jumped out of the tank...OR one of them ate the other two. i just thought this was totally bizarre. i think my favorite qutoe of today came from Brad on the subject, "i just think if they jumped out we'd be able to find them SOMEWHERE!" hahahahhaha. good stuff

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Carpet

so last night there was an incident...see i wasn't present when the incident took place, but here is how i have come to understand it. while doing a turbo jam (extreme abs workout edition) someone got a little over zealous and knocked the TV off of it's perch, and pulled out the cord, which also sent our hot melted candle off of the warmer. and thus...the carpet looks like someone vomited on it.

Saxbys Fun/Proud to be an American

so i went back to work over break, and to be honest i have never really enjoyed making sweet moolah quite this much. not only did i get to see my favorite co-workers of all time but we did some pretty splendid things. ok it all started with norm. norm is a navy vet and a loyal saxbys regular. norm also loves to tell stories about his glory days, sometimes accompanying them with a song, this particular day it was I'm Proud to be an American. this inspired me to make an uncle sam beard out of bubbles. we also got really bored and made this face on the wall out of coffee cups and wooden stir sticks.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


ok so my december kinda went like this. we had our floor christmas party, and we revealed our secret sisters (the girl eqivelent of secret santa), turns out i had angela (best friend to kels and amanda and erin) and she had me, funny how that works out. here are some fun picture of some angela with some of her presents. lovely i know. and just in case you were wondering angela is playing the "snake charmer song" on her new recorder. :) we also had our christmas dinner, where everyone gets all dressed up. it was also a blast. here are some pictures of amanda z and me and ellie. enjoy!

I am a terrible at blogging...

so its been an insanely long time since I've updated my blog. I'm sure none of you even check this anymore, it's okay i don't blame you. but in the odd case that some of you do...(Angela and Mike) here is the update. lets start in the fall. there was little saints night, all of the girls in wwf decorated your floor and dressed up. ours was way lame compared to other floors, but we still had a bus load of fun. our theme: a bugs life! this is me being a butterfly, Angela being a cocoon, and erin, wendy, and abby being a caterpillar. after that comes halloween. which was also buss loads of fun. we basically hung out and did stupid stuff all weekend, very typical of any weekend. only this weekend we got free chipotle, clearly the highlight of my month.