OK so last night we went to celebration and we had this amazing sermon about putting God first/getting rid of all of the things in your life that hold you back from doing so. afterward and during i felt so convicted about some of the things I've been doing/saying that aren't glorifying God. stuff that i know is wrong but i keep doing anyway. Cory (our speaker) challenged us to pick three things that are holding us back and get rid of them. Here are my three:
1. Swearing (i don't do this all the time, but it's still a problem)
2. Making "that's what she said" jokes
3. Listening to music that isn't beneficial to my walk with Christ.
the first two are self explanatory the third is killing me. as i scroll through my
iTunes library i feel so reluctant to start deleting...its just that i love music, it's my passion, it's the gift that gives me the most joy ever. also i paid for most of my music so i feel like
I'm flushing my money down the toilet...but i know that i probably shouldn't have bought it in the first place.
i also had some really cool God experiences last night, i finally was able to forgive myself for past mistakes and accept the grace God's been giving me all along. that was cool. also I'm finding that as i read my bible more,
I'm starting to hard core fall in love with Jesus again. i felt kinda numb before, like stagnant in my faith. last night God outlined me again. i needed it really bad.
well that's all for now.