Six months ago if you told me I would be a runner, I would have laughed in your face. I would have told you, I'm not an athlete, I'm not a runner, I'm a fat bookworm with a charming personality. That's all I thought I could amount to. I had little to zero confidence and I didn't believe in myself at all.
Hence why I broke down in tears on my drive home from my first 10k. My big brother Mike asked me what my running story was, and mine, like many others is one of hope. Through running I've learned to believe in myself for the first time- ever.
God has taught me through running that I am capable of great things. I am an athlete, I AM a runner, and I can achieve what I once told myself I'd never have the drive or the ability to do. Running for me is an act of worship, and I've learned a lot about endurance, commitment, humility and never giving up.
Through this journey my friends and family have been crazy supportive, listening to me rant about runs, being sore, losing weight, doubts, and joys, but one person has been eternally supportive- my big brother Mike.
Mike is my running hero. I've watched Mike with envy and awe for years, waking up at the butt crack of dawn, most of the time in the cold or rain, to see his races and cheering him on. He's always been a shining example to me in his commitment to health, fitness, and attaining his goals. I wanted to run to be like my big brother.
Big thank you to Mike, for all the nights you let me come over after work and use your tredmil. For teaching me about everything to shoe shopping, new stretches, the pain of injury, and the beauty of success. Thank you for the letting me borrow your watch, for the late night and early morning chat, all the little inspiring text, for pushing me, and taking pride in me, I wouldnt be where I am without you. Love you Bro.