Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Golfing, The Gentlemens Sport!

Hi Everyone it's been a while I know.

So let me let you in on a little secret. I used to think that golf was a sport for men and women of class and refinement. Well John has officially proven that theory wrong. Here is a short list of things my guy has done while on the golf course.

1. Doesn't have any balls! John doesn't bring balls, oh no, he steals balls left in sand traps and water hazards.
2. Doesn't bring any tee's. Keep in mind the tee is the least expensive part of golfing, it's like 99 cents for a box of 100. John uses the broken tee's and sharpens them with his pocket knife.
3. Have to go to the bathroom while golfing? No worries, just whip it out on the green and go for it. I'm surprised John didn't get arrested for this yet.
4. Curse at the golf ball. As loud as you can. While trying to make a putt under 10 feet.

My guy is just the classiest. :)


katie said...

this is hilarious. i love it!

Angela! said...


oh my gosh. oh my gosh. oh my gosh.

Kelly said...

glad you guys liked it as much as i did. :) it's 100% John

Kelsey said...

kell i just read this now and since i'm in rare form i seriously CANNOT STOP LAUGHING!