Monday, April 26, 2010

Confessions of a Quarter Lifer

For those of you who haven't heard of the term quarter lifer, or quarter life crisis, Wikipedia, and Urban Dictionary have some good ways of explaining it.

1. The years between 20-30 when your parents stop telling you how to live you life - and stop financing it.

2. A term applied to the period of life immediately following the major changes of adolescence, usually ranging from the early twenties to the early thirties.

1. I feel a huge urge to go on adventures. (Camping, kayaking, geocaching, etc)
2. I want to go places, see the world! (AFRICA, AFRICA, AFRICA!)
3.'s a big deal.
4. I have this irresistible compulsion to spend my money on stupid stuff. (DMB tickets...or books for next semester???)
5. I freak out easily when discussing my future. (Grad school, marriage, kids, debts, loans...AHHH!)
6. I have way too strong of opinions and voice them way too much. (predestination, it's all over the book of Romans...duh)
7. My mental filter is still underdeveloped. (Your new haircut makes your face look weird)
8. The suppressed temptation to abuse alcohol. (I, unlike most quarter-lifers, rarely drink, so it's still mysterious).

"Call it a quarter life crisis... or just a stirring in my soul" --John Mayer

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