Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Advent Conspiracy

Our church participates in Advent Conspiracy, totally awesome. Most of you already know what that is, so I'll make it short. Basically to bring Christ back into Christmas and continue changing the world by celebrating His birth Advent Conspiracy asks that you give up buying or receiving one gift and donating to Living Water Foundation ($10 is enough to give one child clean water for the rest of his/her life). While on the Advents Conspiracy forums I found out about an amazing corporation called NightLight. The company itself sells jewelry, but the proceeds go to so much more! Here is the info:

“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” Isaiah 9:2

NightLight is an international organization committed to addressing the complex issues surrounding trafficking and prostitution by catalyzing individual and community transformation. NightLight’s vision is to offer intervention to sexually exploited women and children, to enable them to discover their dignity, and to provide a program of holistic transformation, empowering them to live and work in their community. NightLight’s mission is to build relationships and provide hope, intervention, rescue and assistance to women and children exploited in the sex industry by offering alternative employment, vocational opportunities, life-skills training and physical, emotional and spiritual development to women seeking freedom. NightLight builds support networks internationally to intervene and assist women, men and children whose lives are negatively impacted by the sex industry.

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