Friday, July 24, 2009

While I'm Waiting

I just realized something- I have no idea where my life is going. I don't know 100% what I want to do, or where I want to go. Which friends will be there for the rest of my life and which are just passing by. I sit hear thinking-things will finally come together for me, i'll be married, out of debt, a career I love, and kids someday. But it's funny that a few years ago i said the same thing-one day i'll get out of here, go to school, meet "the one", have freedom!

I think i'm missing the point of what life is all about. it's not about waiting to have your life come together. This is it (at least I think it is), real life happens now, in all of the confussion and unknown.

What really matters is God. Real life isn't one without problems and frustrations. I think my life is about pressing through all that stuff so that God can accomplish bigger things for the kingdom. life isn't about waiting for answers,or for things to finally come together, because they may never come, it may never be what you wanted. It's about what you do with the time while you wait. maybe none of this makes any sense. maybe i'm way off base.

While I'm waiting, i will serve You
While I'm waiting, i will worship
While I'm waiting, i will not faint.
I'll be running the race-even while I wait.

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