Last week/weekend was one of the best I have had since coming to Malone. I painted kyles face like the joker for intramural basketball, Kels, Kyrstin and Matt Ellis came up to visit Malone which was a blast. we got a huge group to go to cheeseburger in paradise (half of which ended up not ordering anything at all to the dismay of our waitress). Then we hung out in the barn for like 3 hours talking, skateboarding, getting yelled at for skateboarding, playing sardines, messing around with Mitch while he was asleep, and getting things stuck in the Moose's antlers.

I thought you gave up IHOP for lent?
i gave up EATING ihop not going to ihop.
why in God's name have you not gotten a job at IHOP? I'm sensing free pancakes coming my way.
oh man. what an awesome weekend. for real. just to let you know.
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