Friday, July 27, 2012

New Fun Adventures

So I've been getting into all kinds of adventures this summer. I've started seriously training for my half marathon. Am planning on running the 5k in august, 10k in October and the Turkey Trot in November. So that's a fun line up of races for fall.

The boyfriend and I are also taking rock climbing classes at a climbing gym and I'm super excited about that as well.

Also Ryan and I took the girls geocaching the other day, which was crazy fun. If you've never been picture a treasure hunt for grown ups complete with map, coordinates, a compass and treasure of course. If you haven't tried it yet, its a super fun way to waste a day.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Running update

I've been running a lot lighter these days as to not flare up the shin splints again, but I'm still running. It's hard when it is so stiffling hot, especially today. I ran two ten minute miles around the block, but as soon as I came in the house I had to stick my head under the faucet to cool down.