Sunday, June 24, 2012

Birthday Wishes

So everyone has been asking me what I would like for my birthday.  Here is a short list, I appologize that so much of it is money oriented but I am a poor college kid:

1. Money
2. Gas Card
3. H&M gift card
4. Running shirts (target brand, racer back XL)
5.  Strap to hold my ipod (m&j might be already purchasing this so ask them first)
6. Dvds: City Slickers, Elizabeth Town
7.  Thunderbolt Phone Charger
8. Yoga capris, old navy L

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


New Routine

It's gorgeous today and I really want to run. Instead I did some really intense core exercises and some weight training. It was a whole new kind of difficult, running has definitly given me more endurance, but my muscles need some strengthening.  Either way it felt good to work new sets of muscle groups and change up my work out a bit. Still icing and resting up my shins hoping to obliterate these damn shin splints so I can get back out there and start running again.

Also having drinks and dinner with Jaimie tonight after a long work day, cannot wait! 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

My Boss Uncle Rico

So my boss Doug, is totally Uncle Rico from Napolean Dynamite, as evidenced by the following conversation.

Me: Doug what's your password you locked this register.

Doug: Boomer64

Me: What is that, your dogs name?

Doug: No kiddo that's what they used to call me around campus, back when I used to be a kicker at Mount. 64...that's my jersey number, that's a legacy.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

New Highs and Lows

So a couple of days ago I had the best run of my life. I ran five miles in just under an hour. That's about 12 minute miles. For me this is a huge milestone so needless to say I was stoked, I felt great afterward and couldn't have been more ready to go out and do it again.

So today I decided to run with Mike, who is trying to recover from a pulled calf and has been running much slower paces.  The first fourth of the run was okay, everything after that went to shit. My left shin splints flared up super bad and I ended up walking far more than I did running.  Again, needless to say I am really bummed. I've had the shin splints for like three or four weeks now and I cannot seem to shake them.  I'm doing all the right things but it still caused me enough pain to completely crush my attitude and my pace.

So I'm going to switch up my exercise routine next week to something much lower impact on the legs.  I'm pissed that I did so poorly after doing so well, I'm pissed that its taking my body so long to get with the program. It's hard to get set back, but there is no freaking way I'm going to quit. I just can't.