Monday, April 27, 2009

Camping Trip

Here are my favorite pictures form our camping trip!Late night run for MTD.
Matt Ellis made this sweet elongated spatula so we wouldn't get burned any more.
Skyline Chili Lunch
Matt and John made this sweet fire
Paul and I love Creme Soda

Dinner Date!

Here are some pictures from our triple dinner date at Caleb's house. his dad is a fantastic cook and we had so much fun enjoying a home cooked meal and fellowship!The Celuches!
Caleb and Lauren
Beckie and Chad

Mustache Mafia

"People do not kill people, people with MUSTACHES kill people"
Enjoy some pics from our dodgeball team, The Mustache Mafia!

After the playoffs
Pump Up Speech
Group Shot

Thursday, April 23, 2009

All Nighters With Angela, This Is College Right?

So as a college freshman we are bound to put things off sometimes. This year I think I've been doing pretty well considering I have not had to pull an all nighter yet this year...until today. I woke up at 9:00 am on Wednesday and i am proud to say that on Thursday at 6:55 a.m. I am still awake. last night we went shopping for food for our camping trip and took an hour and a half road trip to EP (East Palestine, aka America's butt hole and Angela's home town) with John and Paul to get more supplies for camping. so we got back around two. It is at this point that reality sets in, I still have a five page paper to write and it has to be done by eight fifteen a.m. Now Mike and Jen (and maybe Emily if you're reading this) I do not do this all the time, this paper just crept up on me, don't rat me out to mom. Anyway long story short angela and i stayed up all night to write our papers and got to watch as night fades to morning. as strange as it is i have never felt more proud. WE DID IT! and on top of all the stress, it turned out to be a beautiful morning so as the sun was rising angela and i went into the quad to thank God for a glorious new day he made. Yesterday I was given a lot of bad news, HOWEVER, though the sorrow may last through the night, HIS JOY COMES IN THE MORNING! Thank you Daddy for trading my sorrows for joy. <3

P.S. It only took us two trips to McDonalds to get coffee refills!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Prayer Journals

So at our MTD Bible Study we got assigned random prayers partners. Basically we are to keep a journal and pray for our partner everyday. I'm so pumped, I already feel the Holy Spirit working through this process. I'm so excited to give mine and see who has my prayer warrior is. Life is good and so is God!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


so as many of you know, i didn't get the CA position, everyone told me I was a shoe in, that they were positive I'd get it. Regardless, i find it so frustrating that not only I was declined but other more than qualified people got rejected. I mean these people are past Ca's, Ra's, tour guides, speakers, leaders on our campus and honors students, in my opinion if the best of the best have been denied, who did get the position?! In any case, it was a very humbling experience, i hope i'm dealing with it in a Godly way. If not you guys need to call me out okay?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

April Fools!

April first was great this year. John and I faked an engagement and got a handful of believers. I guess the old Malone motto of ring by spring worked to our advantage. Haha. We also went to a huge spaghetti dinner at our friend Kelly Kline's house. Then we went back to campus because John planned a surprise. Turns out he hid 40 Easter Eggs around my room filled with candy and little presents, my favorite including my new iTrip.

my new "engagement" ring.

Elle, Me, and Kelly at her apartment for dinner!

My goodies!

My huge Chocolate Bunny John got me from Mally's.

Double Date

So John and I went on a impromptu double date with Lauren and Caleb. The boys surprised us and took us to Macaroni Grill (thankfully not golden chorale like we previously thought). Dinner was delicious, thanks boys

Of course my nerdy nursing friends can't resist studying! :) This is a kidney.